2012年7月19日 星期四



首先要向各位及家人致上最誠摯的祝福之意. 祝福大家身體都很健康. 我們永遠感恩大家的慈悲及對於我們的護持,我們仍然持續地為大家祈福迴向身心健康,事業成功. 在這裡天氣已經開始漸漸變涼,有時天空突然被烏雲遮住,過不久便開始下毛毛雨. 雨季已經從開始了. 下過雨後,空氣是清新,令人愉悅的. 此時寫此封信的同時,屋頂上正被雨打得咯咯作響. 小麥及其它一些農作物在今年應該會有一個好的收成才對. 學校第一次考試才結束,我相信同學們應該都考得很好才對. 他們都很熱切得等待結果. 目前學校共有65位學生, 年紀從5歲到17歲不等,有12位老師. 老師們都很有耐心的教導所有的學生. 在這裡,學生和老師們都很開心的迎接每一天,前幾天來了兩位荷蘭籍老師,他們是志願留下來教英文及一些創意課程, 同學門都很開心且熱切的期待每一天要上的課程. 可以學老師得知識及他們國家的傳統文化 因尼泊爾國會最近因共產黨的干預及介入操控,一些衝突及武裝戒嚴依然在尼泊爾發生,同時石油的供應也短缺, 尼泊爾人民現在過得很困苦,承受著這苦難. 我們也希望這事情永遠不會在世界各地發生. 我們所有師生對於您們的愛心贊助護持永感銘心,我們誠希望你們能夠繼續給予我們各方面的協助 至上最真誠的祝福 (譯自7月16日Sangpo email)

Dear friends well wisher,

Prior to precede myself any further, initially I would like to pay my warmest greeting to your entire concerned family member. I hope this letter of mine would confine you in best of health. Nevertheless, like to let you know that you are always in our good thoughts and wishes. We sincerely remember your kindness all the time. I am still continue to pray for your well-being and success I trust that all of you are keeping well. Here we all students and staffs are enjoying diversities of nature of monsoon season no more sunshine as it was really cool weather for farmer.. Some time the sky is overcast with black cloud and it has begun to drizzle and the rain is imminent. The air is sweet, fresh and pleasant. I am writing to you, with the rattle of rain on the roof. Consequently, the corn and all croops are planted field will promised to have a good harvest this year. Well…..Our first term examination was just finished. I am sure that all our students have done well on their exam. They are waiting the result eagerly. According to the school there are 65 students they are age 5 to 17. 12teachers they all are so kind and compassionate to the students. We all are fine and happy with all everything run so well. Recently we have two volunteer teachers from Netherland. They teach English and creative class. All the students excite to share their knowledge and traditional Regarding to the situation of Nepal l sought to restore parliament for the democratic process to continue and to initiate a peace process for the end of a ten-year long armed conflict. This required the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) to join democratic competition which in turn necessitated the devising of a constitution to manage root causes of conflicts afflicting the nation. Also price of daily usage, petroleum hiked lot as compare to with last few months back. It was so hard for the people of Nepal. We sincerely pray that such crisis never come all over the world. We are so thankful for your constant support and love that you have shown upon us. Hope you will continue to help many other being through your kind motivation. With renewed thanks for all your hard work and good motivation for us. With prayer & greeting,


Manjushri Di-Chen Buddhist Learning Centre